since my sister loves to laugh at my poor, neglected blog, i figured that i would post something..
well, i've been so very busy.. between softball and friends and this boy.. :) ah, well life's pretty darn amazing..
God is most definately good!
this week has been crazyyy!
played freedom monday (0 to 1, in nine innings! boo.), played ac reynolds yesterday (3 to 4.. boo again..), and play alexander central tomorrow (hail monte).. haha yeah, rough week..
BUT! friday is prom, i'm so excited. but worried i'm not going to get everything done! ahh.. then kasey's wedding on saturday, yay! :) and that boy is going with me to it.. pretty excited :).. and then church & softball on sunday.. and sleeping in on monday! i'm going to be so tired.. haha!
but i'm definately loving being busy.. haha :)
the travel ball team.. i loveeee them!
but here's your update steph!
love yallll :)