Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Long time, No blog :)

So it's definately been like five months, but whatever :)

Miss me? :) I bet. There's been soo much that's went on since I did this.

So lets see..

Well as of January 20th, I'm officially sixteen! And as of Feb. 3rd, I can officially drive without a person over 21! (Well, as long as it's from six to nine!) Haha.. But anywho :) I love being sixteen, I feel so cool.. Haha, Lame :)

Hmm, Lets see... Oh! It's softball time :) YAY! So I'm playing Varsity for high school ball.. That means I'm gonna be a four year varsity player :) I'm most likely going to be playing first base for Mcdowell. I guess that's cool.. Although I love catching.. I guess it'll be a good break.. But I had to miss our first game, because I missed a whole week because I was in Raleigh.. :) But I'm stoked for the season!

so the reason i missed a whole week of softball was because I was a page in the house of representatives for this wonderful man :) haha. It was a wonderful experience, and I wouldnt change it for anything! Literally. I had a BLAST! I met so many wonderful friends from all over the state.. I'm thinking about going back to do the Senate Page, actually. I loved it. :)

Hmm, That's pretty much it for now :) Maybe I'll be back in another five months :)

Proverbs 31:30

"Charm is deceitful and beauty is vain, But a woman who fears the LORD, she shall be praised"


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